infoTouch 2.X End of Life

The InfoTouch Corporation software version you are currently utilizing was placed into production in the early part of the 21st century.  General information technology and payment security demands have changed dramatically in the years since this version of the software was placed into service.  

In order to meet security requirements and operating technology demands of the Windows Operating System along with the PCI Standards Organization’s security and best practices specifications, you are being notified that version 2 of the InfoTouch software has reached its END OF LIFE.  

All InfoTouch systems that are version 2 or older MUST BE RETIRED by the end of November 2022.  This applies to the Store Keeper and Store Manager Software systems.  This is a mandatory action by InfoTouch in order to manage security vulnerabilities to merchant installations and also provide for InfoTouch support and evolving cost-effective Point of Sale Software solutions to be available into the future.

As of November 30, 2022, ALL SUPPORT for versions 2.x and older for Store Manager and Store Keeper will cease.   You must upgrade to version 3.7 prior to that time in order to maintain operating continuity of your systems and have secure, supported and modern software running in your establishment.

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