Our cloud-based Enterprise layer gives those authorized the ability to push administrative actions (pricing, inventory, personnel, even button functions and screen modification) to any or all locations at once as well as delivering detailed reports at the store, area, region or enterprise level. Total informational insight and operational continuity.
Suggestive selling prompts, inventory lookup, customer history and more all presented at the point of sale to promote higher value, increased margin sales. Volume building or inventory clearing discount campaigns can be set up in virtually any way.
All transactions are broken down to the appropriate ledger, so daily updates to the accounting system is sleek and flawless. Further, financial, merchant services and bank statements are all tied together for faster closings, balances and reconciliations.
You know who they are as soon as they approach a cashier. Whether at a terminal or tablet, their purchase history is in hand. And their information is available to you for promotions and loyalty building.
Scan it in against the PO and update the enterprise on availability in an instant. Automatically replenish and write POs when inventory items hit determined points. Choose suppliers based on cost, timing or other criteria. Set prices centrally or from any store location. Transfer between any points within the enterprise.
Like a well-oiled machine, this operating system provides management unique access to and control over all critical areas. So sales grow, inventory is available, pricing is accurate, transactions are smooth, customers are quickly cared for and employees are closely managed.
Offers can be sent to customer lists generated based on countless filters. When they arrive, the system is ready for them, with promotional parameters and timing accurately set to avoid errors. Packages and bundles may be assembled and disassembled in the system to build sales. All easily administered from centralized enterprise controls.
Information and controls are granular and dynamic, based on algorithmic setups to grant or restrict access down to the individual, offering unlimited flexibility and the highest security.
Category-leading expertise, specialized in key retail verticals.
- Apparel
- Cafeteria
- Candy/Chocolate/Confection
- Concession Stand
- Convenience Store
- Copy Store
- Fabric Store
- Farmer's Market
- Feed Store
- Gift
- Golf Pro Shop, Grill, Bar
- Grocery Store
- Jewelry Store
- Nutrition Shop
- Parks & Wildlife, Zoos
- Party Store
- Pet Store
- Shoe Store